A Novel Approach of Mesh Optimization to Stabilize Unstructured Finite Volume Simulations
Published in Journal of Computational Physics, 2022
Recommended Citation: Zandsalimy M, Ollivier-Gooch C. A novel approach to mesh optimization to stabilize unstructured finite volume simulations. Journal of Computational Physics. 2022 Mar 15;453:110959. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2022.110959.
Paper Link: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcp.2022.110959
The stability of different computational fluid dynamics problems is evaluated and a stabilization approach based on mesh modification is presented. The problematic parts of the unstructured mesh are identified through the unstable eigenvectors and a few vertices are selected to be perturbed. The improved vertex selection methodology ensures the fastest possible optimization procedure. Perturbation vectors are computed utilizing the gradients of unstable eigenmodes with respect to the movement of the selected vertices. The optimization is performed in a single step to reduce the computational time. A new approach is presented to remediate the opposing eigenmodes in larger problems. This method is applied to different CFD problems and the results prove the robustness of our optimization scheme.
Stability Analysis, Stability Improvement, Eigenanalysis, Finite Volume Methods, Unstructured Mesh, Mesh Optimization.